Tulsa, OK The 2023 USA BMX Race season is at its last weekend of racing and the Chase Pro Team took to the main events today in Tulsa, for the USA BMX Race of Champions. As it’s the last chance for the Pro’s to gain point towards the USA BMX #1 Pro title, both Joris and Barry are leading the #1 title chase.  Barry kicked things off in the

November 2023 With the 2023 USA BMX Grands coming up, Chase Bicycles has always changed the look of things with the team, usually just in the form of new uniforms. But for the 2023 USA BMX Grands, we are excited to add a new look with a addition to the Chase Team, with our first Amateur, Heston Novotny. Heston is a young prodigy BMX racer that has escalated to winning

Louisville, Ky Derby City BMX USA BMX headed to the world Famous Louisville, Kentucky Derby City BMX Track at the EP Tom Sawyer State Park for the Derby City Nationals Pro event. Both Joris and Barry are coming off a few weekends of rest after the UCI World Championship, but with just a few more weekends of the 2023 USA BMX Pro Series events, they both knew how important it